FRA Certification Helpline: (216) 694-0240

Brother Tim Craver of BLET Division 532 (Richmond, Va.) was reelected to his fifth term as Chairman of the Virginia State Legislative Board at its quadrennial meeting in late 2024. The Virginia State Legislative Board represents 11 BLET Divisions and nearly 1,100 active and retired members.

Also, elected during the meeting were: 1st Vice Chairman Michael Worrell, Division 301 (Roanoke, Va.); 2nd Vice Chairman Jim Partain, Division 456 (Norfolk, Va.); Third Vice Chairman Adam Miller, Division 561 (Richmond, Va.); Secretary-Treasurer, Jeffrey E. Wood, Division 26 (Richmond, Va.); and Alternate Secretary-Treasurer Dan Davis, Division 26 (Richmond, Va.). Brother Wood has served the Board as Secretary-Treasurer since 2005. Elected to serve as Trustees were: Michael Worrell, Division 301 (Roanoke, Va.); Jim Partain, Division 456 (Norfolk, Va.); and Adam Miller, Division 561 (Richmond, Va.).

A CSX locomotive engineer, Brother Craver has been a member of the BLET since December 1, 1998. He was first elected Chairman of the Virginia State Legislative Board in 2008.