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Officers, members, and guests at the UP-Eastern District GCA’s quadrennial meeting in Omaha, Neb., on August 14, 2024.

Chad Lambert was reelected to his second term as General Chairman during the Union Pacific-Eastern District General Committee of Adjustment’s quadrennial meeting on August 14, 2024, in Omaha, Neb.

A third-generation railroader, Brother Lambert first joined the BLET on October 1, 1999. He is a member of Division 364 (Wichita, Kan.), where he served as Local Chairman for 10 years (2006-2016) prior to winning election as the GCA’s full-time 1st Vice Chairman. He was first elected General Chairman in 2020.

Also elected were: 1st Vice Chairman Brian McCoy, Division 183 (Omaha, Neb.); 2nd Vice Chairman Matt Lovett, Division 103 (Cheyenne, Wyo.); 3rd Vice Chairman Alex Decker, Division 261 (Herington, Kan.); Secretary-Treasurer Stacey Madsen, Division 88 (North Platte, Neb.); and Alternate Secretary-Treasurer Jeff Lillo, Division 133 (Denver, Colo.).

The BLET’s Union Pacific-Eastern District General Committee of Adjustment represents approximately 1,700 active and retired members in 14 different Divisions.