The Associated Press reported recently that the number of union representation petitions more than doubled in fiscal 2024. The National Labor Relations Board received 3,286 union petitions in the 12 months ending Sept. 30, up from 1,638 in 2021. By contrast, AP reports that union petitions declined 22% under the Trump administration. According to Politico Pro (paywall), “the Biden administration took over and replaced Trump-appointed officials with ones who were friendlier to organized labor.”
Railroaders generally fall under the Railway Labor Act rather than the National Labor Relations Act overseen by the NLRB. But the BLET, like many other unions, has seen a surge in organizing activity, with four short-line organizing victories for BLET since mid-2023.
The BLET’s Organizing Department relies on tips from members to connect with non-union railroaders interested in gaining the strength that comes from a union contract. If you are aware of family, friends, or former co-workers who are railroaders employed at a non-union railroad that would like to be represented by BLET, contact the Organizing Department at A BLET representative will respond to those inquiries.