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Brandon Nunnenkamp of BLET Division 130 (Kansas City, Kan.) was reelected to his second term as Chairman of the Kansas State Legislative Board at its quadrennial meeting in Lenexa, Kan., September 4-6.

Brother Nunnenkamp is a BNSF locomotive engineer. He was first elected Kansas SLB Chairman in 2020 and had previously served Division 130 as Legislative Representative.

Also elected were: 1st Vice Chairman Ryan Lautzenhiser, Division 777 (Argentine, Kan.); 2nd Vice Chairman Sam Vail, Division 179 (Parsons, Kan.); Secretary-Treasurer Willie Tilsworth, Division 130 (Kansas City, Kan.); and Alternate Secretary-Treasurer Shad Bremer, Division 261 (Herington, Kan.).

The BLET’s Kansas State Legislative Board is comprised of 14 Local Divisions and represents nearly 1,700 active and retired members.