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The BLET successfully organized seven short line railroads over the past two years, with more organizing campaigns planned for 2025.

The recent string of victories can be linked to a strategic decision made in early 2023 when BLET National Division’s leadership revamped the Organizing Department. Creating a stronger organizing culture along with dedicated funds and manpower paid off immediately with an organizing win at the Florida Gulf and Atlantic Railroad in July 2023. Six more successful organizing drives followed in 2024: Arizona Eastern Railway (June 2024), COASTER commuter railroad (July 2024), Transglobal Solutions/TGS Cedar Port Railroad (October 2024), Georgia Central Railway (October 2024), Carrollton Railroad (October 2024), and the Utah Central Railway (December 2024).

Short line workers who voted for BLET representation generally cite the same reasons for supporting the union: improved pay, better working conditions, and stronger protections from discipline that come from a union contract.

Rank-and-file BLET members have played a critical role in these organizing wins. Every member of the BLET is a potential organizer. Some of the union’s recent victories have come directly from tips provided by BLET members employed at other railroads. If you know of family, friends, or former co-workers who are railroaders employed at a non-union railroad who would like to be represented by BLET, contact the Organizing Department at