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Project 2025 is a 920-page document that spells out what Republicans plan to do if they were to gain the presidency in the 2024 election. While candidate Trump has denied knowledge of the document, it was written by at least 140 Trump advisers and former (and likely future) leaders in the Trump administration.

The AFL-CIO has analyzed how this agenda would affect union members and working families. In short, AFL-CIO says: “We are deeply concerned about pro-corporate policies that would drive up costs, put people out of work, endanger people’s lives and make it harder for working people to get ahead. For unions, this agenda would make it tougher for members to win gains in our next contracts and stack the deck in favor of CEOs.”

Of special note to BLET members and other unionized railroaders, Project 2025 recommends the elimination of critical two-person train crew safety regulations. Additionally, Project 2025 calls for the rollback of safety-critical brake inspections, mechanical inspections, and track inspections.

More information is available here under the Transportation tab.