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BLET State Legislative Board Chairmen are in the process of reviewing candidates for public office who are worthy of our support in the national election on November 5. Their list of candidates for federal office will be published in an upcoming issue of the Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen News, and will also be made available in the Members’ Area of the BLET website.

BLET National President Eddie Hall said: “With the most critical election of our lives coming in November, we have to gear up to distribute information to our members so that they are able to vote for candidates who will support legislation that is important to us, like two-person crews and paid sick leave. This is in addition to our efforts to be able to work with DOT and FRA personnel to ensure that our safety is their top priority and that they are willing to enforce safety regulations. Our success will depend, in large part, on promoting elected and appointed public officials who make the BLET agenda their top priority. We know all too well what happens when elected officials appoint regulators who come from railroad management and who organically share their interests.”

BLET Legislative Board Chairmen are reminded that their lists of pro-BLET candidates are due by Friday, August 30. The lists should be sent via mail to BLET Vice President & National Legislative Representative Vince Verna (, and copied to Brendan Sullivan (, BLET Director of Political Affairs, and to John Bentley (, BLET Editor & Director of Public Relations.