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BLET sounds the alarm as railroads move to operate trains without train crews on board and the federal government OKs a pilot project
This month, the Federal Railroad Administration granted a series of waivers to permit the trial run of a “novel, self-propelled, zero-emission, battery-electric rail vehicle” where no workers would be onboard. FRA is allowing a tech company, Parallel Systems, to test its “robotrain” at the Georgia Central Railway and the Heart of Georgia Railroad, near the Port of Savannah.
In regulatory hearings and through the media, the BLET has pushed back, stressing that there are too many “what-ifs” regarding safety and reliability when it comes to unproven autonomous train technology. BLET sees this as another instance where the railroad industry is placing profits ahead of the lives and safety of workers and the general public.
Last week, prior to the announcement of the waivers from standard safety practices needed for autonomous train operations, Bloomberg, in a lengthy article about unions pushing back against unsafe automation, quoted BLET First Vice President Mark Wallace. Automating train operations poses cybersecurity and safety concerns that could lead to accidents as destructive as Norfolk Southern’s 2023 derailment in East Palestine, Ohio, Wallace told the news service. Additionally, autonomous technology failures at Class I railroads could lead to disruptions that would freeze the movement of essential energy sources and manufacturing supplies.
“Legislators have to understand what AI means to certain industries, and they have to put safeguards in to protect the public. It’s just not about protecting our jobs,” Wallace told Bloomberg.
Workplace issues related to the use of Parallel Systems’ technology was a key reason why Georgia Central engineers and trainmen voted overwhelmingly to unionize for the first time and join the BLET in October 2024.
Along with BLET, nationally and across industries, the International Brotherhood of Teamsters (IBT) has been a leader in raising questions about the use of artificial intelligence and automation in transportation. The IBT sees proposals to fly planes without pilots; long-haul trucks operated without drivers; and “robotaxis” without people at the wheel circulating in urban environments as a danger to the public.
Clock ticking towards March 22 deadline after BLET rejects recommendations of PEB 252
The BLET has rejected a non-binding decision announced this week by Presidential Emergency Board (PEB) No. 252, assigned to the long-running dispute between BLET and New Jersey Transit (NJT). Rejection of the PEB’s recommendation triggers a 60-day cooling off period, mandated by the Railway Labor Act, and sets the clock ticking for “self-help.” If a settlement is not voluntarily reached, locomotive engineers could strike or NJT could lock-out workers as soon as 12:01 a.m. on March 22, unless blocked by President Trump.
BLET General Chairman Tom Haas said engineers are fed up with low pay and disrespectful treatment by managers. They are also disillusioned by the railroad’s misplaced priorities, which include spending a half-billion dollars for lavish office space while not treating engineers fairly. The 494 BLET members employed by NJT have unanimously voted to grant BLET’s National President Eddie Hall authority to call a strike when allowed. Haas was quoted in a January 21 story published by, one of the larger media outlets in all of New Jersey: “Trains don’t move without engineers. Right now, our folks can walk across the platform and get paid at the very least ten dollars more per hour at any of the other railroads we interact with.”
President Hall said there is still a chance for a voluntary settlement after a shakeup with NJT’s top management. “We hope that the new guard, under the direction of NJ Transit President & CEO Kris Kolluri, will choose to avoid a disruption in service by meeting with the union and working out a fair agreement that will keep the trains moving,” Hall said.
The contract dispute was in NMB-sponsored mediation for three years. NJT’s locomotive engineers have been seeking a new labor agreement since October 2019. NJT’s engineers are the lowest paid engineers working in commuter service in the nation.
More than 100 new Division officers complete training
The January 15 training session for new officers.
The BLET Education & Training Department provided valuable training to over 100 new Division officers as it hosted five Zoom classes on January 14 and 15.
The classes provided introductory training for new officers who were elected during the 2024 Triennial Election cycle, and classes were held for Division Presidents, Secretary-Treasurers, Local Chairmen (and Vice Local Chairmen), Legislative Representatives, and Trustees. The training covered basic topics such as the duties required for each office as detailed in the BLET Bylaws, and access to information and resources for officers in BLET’s online library.
For those who were unable to attend, the classes were recorded and videos are now online in the Members Area of the BLET website.
BLET Education & Training Dept. announces 2025 officer training schedule
The BLET Education & Training Department is offering a full slate of training opportunities throughout the coming year. All BLET officers are encouraged to attend, especially first-time officers who were elected during the 2024 Triennial Election cycle.
The 2025 class schedule is as follows:
• February 4-6, Secretary-Treasurer LM-3/LM-4 Class
The class will be conducted via Zoom. Registration is now open and details have been sent by email and UnionTrack alert.
• March 4-6, Secretary-Treasurer LM-2 Class
This is a hybrid class that will be conducted in-person and via Zoom. Registration is now open and details have been sent by email and UnionTrack alert.
• March 11-13, Division Secretary-Treasurer Class
Registration is opening soon. This is a hybrid class that will be conducted in-person and via Zoom.
• April 8-10, Local Chairman Class
Registration is opening soon. This is a hybrid class that will be conducted in-person and via Zoom.
• May 13-15, Legislative Representative Class
Registration is opening soon. This class is in-person only and will be held in Washington, D.C.
• June 19, Training at BLET Eastern Regional Meeting
Registration is opening soon. One-day classes for Secretary-Treasurers, Local Chairmen, and Legislative Representatives. These classes are in-person only and will be held in Daytona Beach, Fla.
• August 21, Training at BLET Western Regional Meeting
Registration will open in early spring. One-day classes for Secretary-Treasurers, Local Chairmen, and Legislative Representatives. These classes are in-person only and will be held in Bellevue, Wash.
• September 16-18, Division Secretary-Treasurer Class
Registration will open in early summer. This is a hybrid class that will be conducted in-person and via Zoom.
• September 23-25, Local Chairman Class
Registration will open in early summer. This is a hybrid class that will be conducted in-person and via Zoom.
Please note: The in-person portion of all hybrid classes will be held in the training center at BLET National Division Headquarters in Independence, Ohio. Additional officer training opportunities will be added to the schedule and announced later this year.
For more information: Please contact David Estes, National Secretary-Treasurer and Department Head of the BLET Education and Training Department, at: (216) 241-2630 ext. 227; or by email at:
Chairman Cadogan raises BLET’s issues with Governor Healey
From left: Massachusetts Governor Maura Healey with BLET's Dan Cadogan.
Brother Dan Cadogan, Chairman of the New England Legislative Board, met with Massachusetts Governor Maura Healey on January 13. Representing the views of BLET members in the Bay State, Cadogan addressed quality of life issues for commuter rail engineers, sick time, and the BLET’s recent tentative agreement with Keolis for MBTA engineers. Also discussed was the upcoming Request for Proposal (RFP) to operate the MBTA service in Boston. The RFP will be awarded to an operator in June of 2027 and will either replace or renew the Keolis contract. Keolis will have held the contract for 13 years by the 2027 expiration date. “Governor Healey, as always, was open and receptive to the needs of railroad workers in the Commonwealth,” Brother Cadogan reported.
New law can increase payments to recipients of public pensions
The Social Security Fairness Act, signed into law on January 5, 2025, will end two statutory reductions for railroad retirees, their spouses, and survivors who are receiving public pensions from work not covered by social security. The repeal of these provisions means that individuals who were previously affected by these reductions will retroactively have their full tier-I benefit amount restored for months after December 2023, the effective date of the repeal, and for future monthly benefit payments. Full details are available in this RRB press release.
The RRB said it will need to make significant programming changes to implement this new law, which will delay calculation and payment of any retroactive amounts, as well as calculations on new annuity applications. Annuitants should monitor the RRB website for information on progress related to implementation. No action is required by those affected by this law unless they have moved or changed banking information, in which case they can report the new information by calling the RRB’s toll-free number at (877) 772-5772.
Details on implementation of the REEF Act
The Railroad Retirement Board (RRB) has prepared a helpful list of Questions & Answers regarding the Railroad Employee Equity and Fairness (REEF) Act, which was recently signed into law. Under the new law, benefits paid under the Railroad Unemployment Insurance Act (RUIA) will no longer be reduced by 5.7% due to sequestration. Some members may be eligible for possible retroactive benefits payments on previously reduced unemployment and/or sickness benefits. For more information, please visit this Q&A on the RRB website.
Stay connected with the BLET
The BLET’s private members-only Facebook group has over 1,900 members. If you wish to read news and comment on stories in a protected setting, then you should join today. The page is for active and retired members only — no company officials allowed. Click here to join.
The BLET is continuing to expand its use of Instagram and X (formerly Twitter). Click here to get connected!
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