BLET Auxiliary
A proud tradition since 1887
The BLET Auxiliary is a group of spouses, friends and supporters organized to promote the interests and welfare of railroad families — especially members and families of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen. Its overall purpose is to provide support and promote issues that affect the health, safety, welfare, and quality of life of railroaders and their families; to promote higher education within the families of its full members; to give assistance to widows, widowers, Sisters, and Brothers when needed, especially during times of duress; and to render assistance whenever and wherever needed to further its mission.
The group traces its distinguished legacy to 1887 when it was founded as the Grand International Auxiliary (GIA) to the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers. It was established by a committee of pioneering and industrious women who saw the need to establish an organization to bring cohesiveness to the individual groups of spouses meeting in railroad towns all over the country. The GIA formally changed its name to BLET Auxiliary in 2006.
Today, the BLET Auxiliary continues to fight for safer working conditions for locomotive engineers and trainmen and works to enhance the lifestyles of railroad workers and their families.
For more information about the BLET Auxiliary, or to consider becoming a member, please visit the BLET Auxiliary Website.
BLET Auxiliary Officers
National Outreach Coordinator
Natalie Miller
Legislative Representative
Social Media