BLET Media Archive This list is a small sampling of recent major articles related to BLET and its members. TopicTitleReporterPublicationDate Sick LeaveUnion Pacific (UNP) Signs Paid Sick Leave Deal With BLETZacks Equity ResearchYahoo! Finance06/07/2023 Sick LeaveMost Unionized US Rail Workers Now Have New Sick DaysDavid ShepardsonReuters06/05/2023 Sick LeaveBrotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen and Union Pacific Railroad Reach Paid Sick Leave AgreementPR NewswireBusiness Insider06/05/2023 Sick LeaveNorfolk Southern (NSC) Signs Paid Sick Leave Deal with BLETZacks Equity ResearchYahoo! Finance05/19/2023 Sick LeaveMany Railroad Workers Have Won Paid Sick Leave But Unions Say Companies Are Asking for Too Much in ReturnJosh Funk and Associated PressFortune Magazine05/08/2023 Sick LeaveNorfolk Southern is 1st Railroad to Give All Workers Sick Days As Others Negotiate with Unions Josh FunkHouston Chronicle05/06/2023 Sick LeaveUS Rail companies grant paid sick days after public pressure in win for unions" Steven GreenhouseThe Guardian05/01/2023 Sick LeaveIn a first, some CSX railroad workers to get paid sick leaveAssociated PressPittsburgh-Tribune Review02/08/2023 Predictable SchedulesTrain Engineers deal with Union Pacific Will Improve Schedules and Address Quality-Of-Life Concerns Josh FunkAssociated Press,05/24/2023 Predictable SchedulesBLET and Union Pacific Reach Historic Agreement to Improve Work Schedules and Time Off for Locomotive Engineers PR NewswireYahoo! Finance05/24/2023 Predictable SchedulesUnion Pacific and BLET reach tentative agreement on engineering schedulingTrains.com05/24/2023 Rail SafetyFederal Regulators Promise Safety Review at all the major freight railroadsJosh FunkLos Angeles Times06/12/2023 Rail SafetyMiles-long freight trains cause problems for communities near railroad crossingsWilliam Brangham, Courtney Norris, and Karina CuevasPBS NewsHour06/01/2023 Rail SafetyMiles-long trains are blocking first responders when every minute counts Andrea Salcedo, Luz Lazo and Lee PowellWashington Post05/25/2023 Rail SafetyBlocked Crossings Crisis Draws Local and National Calls for ActionTopher Sanders and Dan SchwartzProPublica05/01/2023 Rail SafetyAs Rail Profits Soar, Blocked Crossings Force Kids to Crawl Under Trains to Get to SchoolTopher Sanders and Dan SchwartzProPublica04/26/2023 Rail SafetyLawmakers and union tell Norfolk Southern CEO that railroads’ voluntary safety plans aren’t enough"Chris IsidoreCNN Business03/23/2023 Rail SafetyInspections say local rail crossings in bad shape Ed GallekFox 8 Cleveland03/09/2023 Rail SafetyUnion exec on Ohio train derailment: Labor shortage ‘not just safety but service’ Yahoo! Finance03/08/2023 Rail SafetySafety Agency Opens Probe of Norfolk Southern Rail AccidentsJosh Funk and John SeewerAssociated Press03/07/2023 Rail SafetyLeaked Audio reveals US rail workers were told to skip inspections as Ohio crash prompts scrutiny to industryMichael SainatoThe Guardian03/03/2023 Rail SafetyOver 1,000 Trains Derail Every Year in America. Let’s Bring that Number DownThe LeverThe New York Times02/17/2023 Rail SafetyRail Workers Tried to Warn Us the Ohio Train Derailment Would HappenPrem ThakkerThe New Republic02/08/2023 Remote TrainsOpinion: Don’t Trust Union Pacific’s Remote-Controlled Trains Rolling Through HoustonEddie HallThe Houston Chronicle04/26/2023 Remote TrainsRemote Trains carrying hazmat fall outside Congress’ push for rail regulationJulie TsirkinNBC News04/01/2023 Opposition to Stock BuybacksUnions Say Rails Should Forgo Buybacks, Spend on SafetyAssociated PressUS News04/21/2023 Opposition to Stock BuybacksNorfolk Southern is paying $6.5 million to derailment victims. Meanwhile, it’s shelling out $7.5 billion for shareholders Chris IsidoreCNN Business02/22/2023 Two-Person CrewsSome States Enact Two-Person Crew Law for Trains but Still Lack Federal RegulationMary KennedyProgressive Farmer05/29/2023 Two-Person CrewsUnion Pacific 2nd Railroad to drop push for one-person crewsJosh FunkAssociated Press03/26/2023 Two-Person CrewsUnion Pacific shelves test of one-person crew Josh FunkArkansas Democrat Gazette01/20/2023 Two-Person CrewsWho’s manning the train? Railroads want a one-person crewChris Isidore and Vanessa YurkevichCNN12/14/2022 East Palestine DerailmentNorfolk Southern’s Push for Profits Compromised Safety, Workers Say Peter Eavis, Mark Walker, and Niraj ChokshiNew York Times04/02/2023 East Palestine DerailmentA Carman’s Perspective on the East Palestine Derailment and the Railroad Industry as a WholeMike LThe Real News Network03/31/2023 East Palestine DerailmentRail Unions tell Biden officials that workers have fallen ill at Norfolk Southern derailment siteLori Ann LaRoccoCNBC03/01/2023 East Palestine DerailmentThe East Palestine, Ohio, train wreck didn’t have to be this badUmair IrfanVox02/16/2023 Tragedy in Ohio - Louis P. Shuster DeathNorfolk Southern conductor killed in accident involving a dump truck at Ohio steel facilityKristina Sgueglia, and Ray SanchezCNN03/08/2023 Tragedy in Ohio - Louis P. Shuster DeathNorfolk Southern Conductor Death in Ohio Shows Need to Boost Rail Safety Rules: UnionJessica CorbettCommon Dreams03/07/2023 Tragedy in Ohio - Louis P. Shuster DeathNorfolk Southern train involved in deadly collision in ClevelandMegan McSweney and Sia NyorkorCleveland 1903/07/2023 Tragedy in Ohio - Louis P. Shuster DeathTrain conductor killed as Norfolk Southern reports third accident in a monthBen AmesDC Velocity03/07/2023 SEPTASEPTA Regional Rail engineers take contract dispute to the streets with protest over management fill-insMike DenardoKYW Newsradio05/10/2023 SEPTASEPTA and Regional Rail union are fighting over pay and managers filling in as engineersThomas FitzgeraldThe Philadelphia Inquirer05/03/2023 NJ TransitLeasing a new headquarters could cost NJ Transit almost $400M over 25 yearsLarry HiggsNJ.com06/07/2023 NJ TransitNJ Transit Union workers push for better wages as agency prepares move to new HQTony Caputo and Lenette EspyNews12 New Jersey05/10/2023 NJ TransitNJ Transit engineers are ready to strike over their wages, union saysLarry HiggsNJ.com02/17/2023 NJ TransitNJ Transit, union talks snagged, head to mediationKirstin ColePix 102/16/2023 NJ TransitLabor showdown looming at NJ Transit, one of the nation's largest commuter railroadsChris IsidoreCNN Business02/14/2023 Federal LegislationCongress Facing Pressure to Pass Railway Safety Act Jennifer LewerenzKNSI Radio06/12/2023 Federal LegislationBipartisan support emerges for Senate railroad safety billStephen R. GrovesAP News03/22/2023 Federal LegislationLocomotive Engineers are onboard for the bipartisan Rail Safety Act of 2023American Journal of Transportation03/03/2023 Federal LegislationRail Workers Warn Safety Bill Loopholes Are Big Enough to ‘Run a Freight Train Through'Brett WilkinsCommon Dreams03/03/2023 Federal LegislationOhio senators introduce rail safety bill after fiery crashJulie Carr Smyth and Josh FunkAP News03/01/2023 Legislation in the StatesPennsylvania: A train safety bill inspired by the East Palestine derailment faces tough offs in the Pa. LegislatureStephen CarusoSpotlight PA06/12/2023 Legislation in the StatesMinnesota: Minnesota Enacts Two-Person Crew Size LegislationWilliam C. VantuonoRailway Age05/23/2023 Legislation in the StatesWashington: Rail workers call for safety improvements in Washington stateCasey MartinNPR KUOW05/23/2023 Legislation in the StatesNew York: Buffalo’s State lawmakers call for rail regulations following train derailment East Palestine, OhioBen TsujimotoBuffalo News03/04/2023 Legislation in the StatesNevada and Ohio: Train length and train crew sizes see state legislative actionJoanna MarshFreight Waves04/06/2023 Legislation in the StatesAmid derailments, state lawmakers work on legislation to improve rail safetyAlejandra Marquez Janse, Patrick Jarenwattananon, and Ailsa ChangNPR All Things Considered03/06/2023 Legislation in the StatesStates hold little power on railroads. They’re still trying to tighten rulesLuz Lazo and Ian DuncanThe Washington Post03/03/2023 Government Leaders and News ConferencesNational COSH Announces ‘Dirty Dozen’ Unsafe Employers for 2023Melissa MoriartyNational Council for Occupational Safety and Health04/26/2023 Government Leaders and News ConferencesSenator Sherrod Brown meets with local Railroad union leaders to discuss bi-partisan Railway Safety ActJohn KosichNews 5 Cleveland03/20/2023 Government Leaders and News ConferencesRail union battle for paid sick leave is back on the political agenda in Washington, D.C.Lori Ann LaRoccoCNBC02/10/2023 Government Leaders and News ConferencesSanders and Braun to Hold Press Conference with Rail Workers to Demand Paid Sick Days02/07/2023 New President ElectedBLET President to Retire, avoiding rerun of electionTrains.com12/16/2022 East Palestine DerailmentTrain car believed responsible for East Palestine derailment had not been recently inspectedCatherine RossNews 5 Cleveland06/23/2023 Quality of LifeBLET members ratify engineer scheduling agreement with Union PacificBill StephensTrains.com06/30/2023 Sick LeaveRailroads offer paid sick leave, better work conditions after yearslong efficiency pushEsther FungWall Street Journal06/10/2023 Rail SafetyRail union says Virginia derailment renews questions about Norfolk Southern’s safety practicesJosh FunkAssociated Press07/07/2023 Rail SafetyBlocked rail crossings snarl towns, but Congress won’t actPeter Eavis, Mark Walker and Niraj ChokshiNew York Times07/11/2023 OrganizingFlorida Gulf & Atlantic crew members vote to join BLETTrains.com07/17/2023 SEPTAPhiladelphia’s SEPTA rail system short of staff, and canceling trainsGannettJuly 19, 2023 PSRUP hires CEO favored by hedge fund as Q2 2023 profit falls 15%Josh FunkAssociated Press07/23/2023 PSRUnions criticize Union Pacific’s selection of Jim Vena as CEOBill StephensTrains.com07/31/2023 Sick LeaveBNSF train engineers offered paid sick time and better schedules in new dealJosh FunkAssociated Press08/02/2023 East Palestine DerailmentNorfolk Southern changes policy on overheated bearings, months after East Palestine derailmentJosh FunkAssociated Press08/01/2023 NJ TransitRepublican lawmakers want to talk with BLET amid NJ Transit strike voteColleen WilsonNorthJersey.com08/08/2023 NJ TransitNJ Transit rail union calls for a strike vote after 3-year deadlock Larry HiggsNJ.com08/07/2023 NJ TransitNJ Transit engineers to vote on strike authorizationBrenda FlanaganNJ Spotlight News08/08/2023 NJ TransitJudge tosses NJ Transit lawsuit against engineers’ unionLarry HiggsNJ Advance Media for NJ.com08/17/2023 NJ TransitNJ Transit engineer strike still looms as judge declines request for injunctionRaven SantanaNJ Spotlight News08/18/2023 Rail SafetyFreight railroads seek changes to federal safety program before joining itNew York Times08/11/2023 Precision Scheduled Railroading (PSR)Union Pacific’s new CEO promises improved safety and service but big rail unions lukewarm on hireJosh FunkAssociated Press08/14/2023 Rail SafetyRailroads resist joining safety hotline because they want to be able to discipline workersJosh FunkAssociated Press08/24/2023 NJ TransitNJ Transit engineers vote to strikeTrains.com09/01/2023 Rail SafetyRegulators blast Union Pacific for running unsafe trainsTopher SandersProPublica09/11/2023 NJ TransitNJ Transit locomotive engineers launch billboard campaign over stalled contract talksLarry HiggsNJ.com09/08/2023 NJ TransitNJ Transit's birthday party crashed by engineers upset by stalled negotiationsLarry HiggsNJ.com09/30/2023 Remote TrainsRailroad unions want scrutiny of remote control trains after death of worker in Ohio rail yardJosh FunkAssociated Press10/06/2023 Legislation in the StatesBLET’s Ohio State Legislative Board backs sale of Cincinnati Southern to NSBill StephensTrains.com10/09/2023 SEPTATwo more SEPTA unions will vote on a strike as labor talks intensifyThomas Fitzgerald, Lizzy McLellan RavitchPhiladelphia Inquirer10/24/2023 SEPTAStrike threat looms as 3 SEPTA unions seek new contractsHayden Mitman NBC Philadelphia10/24/2023 Rail Safety“Do your job.” How the railroad industry intimidates employees into putting speed before safetyTopher Sanders, Jessica Lussenhop, Dan Schwartz, Danelle Morton and Gabriel SandovalProPublica11/15/2023 SEPTASEPTA Regional Rail conductors and engineers have authorized a strikeLizzy McLellan Ravitsh, Thomas FitzgeraldPhiladelphia Inquirer11/20/2023 SEPTABLET, SMART-TD authorize strike on SEPTACarolina Worrell Railway Age11/21/2023 Rail SafetyNew Jersey lawmakers look to limit high hazard freight trainsDana DiFilippoNew Jersey Monitor11/28/2023 SEPTASEPTA Regional Rail engineers, conductors vote to authorize strikeBrian A. SaundersPhilly Voice11/21/2023 Rail SafetyA strange 21st-Century revival: The train robberyMalia Wollan New York Times Magazine01/23/2024 Rail SafetyNorfolk Southern first big freight railway to let workers use anonymous federal safety hotlineJosh FunkAssociated Press01/29/2024 Rail SafetyNorfolk Southern first Class I railroad to join FRA's Confidential Close Call Reporting systemBill StephensTrains.com01/29/2024 Rail SafetyNorfolk Southern employees in Roanoke to join rail safety pilot programJoe DashiellWDBJ01/30/2024 Rail SafetyHas anything changed one year after the derailment in East Palestine?Ed "Flash" FerencAmerica's Work Force Union Podcast02/01/2024 Rail SafetyNorfolk Southern urges shareholders to reject activist investor's takeover plan at the railroadJosh FunkAssociated Press02/27/2024 Rail SafetyPodcast: Norfolk Southern joins Confidential Close Call Reporting System. What does this mean for rail safety? Robert McFerrenWFJM02/16/2024 NJ TransitNJ Transit says it needs $917 million, but riders say poor service doesn’t warrant paying more per rideThomas FitzgeraldPhiladelphia Inquirer03/04/2024 Two-Person CrewsFreight railroads must keep two person crews, according to new federal regulationJosh FunkAssociated Press04/02/2024 Two-Person CrewsU.S. issues rule requiring at least two people on longest freight trains Ian Duncan and Tony RommWashington Post04/02/2024 Two-Person CrewsU.S. finalizes rule requiring two-person crews on freight trainsMark WalkerNew York Times04/02/2024 Two-Person CrewsNew train crew rule tests industry’s clout, one year after East Palestine disasterRyan AnastasioCNBC04/02/2024 Two-Person CrewsNow trains must have two-person crews. Will that continue for airplanes?Ted ReedForbes04/04/2024 Two-Person CrewsFederal agency mandates two-person train crews just weeks after Virginia gov. vetoes bill Ian M. StewartVirginia Public Media04/10/2024 Legislation in the StatesColorado lawmakers weigh limits, safety regulations for trains as derailed Uinta Basin Railway trains seek fresh tracksJason BlevinsColorado Sun04/17/2024 Legislation in the StatesOpinion: Colorado lawmakers have chance to gain momentum for greater railway safety across the country Jason DoeringColorado Sun04/17/2024 Rail SafetyWhat the proxy fight at Norfolk Southern means for railroad safetyChris Isidore CNN05/08/2024 Rail SafetyActivist investor wins 4 Norfolk Southern board seats but won’t have control to fire CEOJosh FunkAssociated Press 05/09/2024 Rail SafetyLocal deaths part of increasing annual toll from fatal pedestrian-train collisions nationwideLynn Hulsey, Aimee Hancock and Jen BaldufDayton Daily News05/16/2024 East Palestine DerailmentNTSB derailment investigation renews concerns about detectors, tank cars and Norfolk SouthernJosh FunkAssociated Press06/26/2024 East Palestine DerailmentNTSB chair says Norfolk Southern interfered with derailment probe after botching vent and burn callPaul Van OsdolWTAE06/25/2024 SEPTAUnions for Regional Rail Engineers and conductors reach tentative contract agreements with SEPTAThomas FitzgeraldPhiladelphia Inquirer06/27/2024 NJ TransitFeds end mediation between NJ Transit and engineers’ union. What happens now?Larry HiggsNJ Advance Media for NJ.com06/25/2024 Rail SafetyWyoming’s oldest, and still active, railroad union predates statehood by 21 yearsDale KillingbeckCowboy State Daily06/01/2024 East Palestine DerailmentRailroads pledge to make additional safety improvements based on NTSB East Palestine findingsBill StephensTrains.com06/26/2024 Federal LegislationHouse bill would enhance safety requirements for hazmat trainsProgressive Railroading07/15/2024 Rail SafetyVance pick for VP muddies push for rail safety bill Valerie YorkRoll Call 07/25/2024 NJ TransitNJ Transit strike averted for nowTeresa PrioloFox 5 New York 07/24/2024 NJ Transit NJ Transit — almost on brink of a rail strike — asks Biden to interveneLarry HiggsNJ Advance Media for NJ.com07/24/2024 Predictable SchedulesUnion Pacific hasn't yet lived up to deal to give all its engineers predictable schedulesJosh FunkAssociated Press08/09/2024 Remote TrainsRail worker’s death in Ohio railyard highlights union questions about remote control trainsJosh FunkAssociated Press08/28/2024 East Palestine DerailmentNorfolk Southern CEO fired for "consensual relationship" with railroad's chief legal officerChris IsidoreCNN09/12/2024 Rail SafetyRailroads and regulators must address the dangers of long trains, report saysJosh FunkAssociated Press9/17/2024 Rail SafetyHearing focuses on turning around the rail industry's growth problemBill StephensTrains.com09/16/2024 Predictable SchedulesUP explains absence from early contract agreements with organized laborBill StephensTrains.com09/19/2024 Contract NegotiationsFlurry of contract deals come as railroads, unions see Trump's election looming over talksJosh FunkAssociated Press11/13/2024 Rail SafetyTrains carrying chemicals put Columbia at risk as city growsSammy FretwellThe State01/06/2025 NJ TransitA NJ Transit rail strike could be coming soon. Here are the key dates. Larry HiggsNJ.com12/18/2024 Rail Safety2 killed, 3 injured when UP freight train derails in Pecos, Texas, after grade crossing collisionJosh FunkAssociated Press12/19/2024 NJ TransitNJ Transit moves into controversial, new $500M headquarters in NewarkLarry HiggsNJ.com12/21/2024 NJ TransitA 60-day pre-strike period kicks in as engineers, NJ Transit negotiate pay hikesColleen WilsonNorthJersey.com01/21/2025 Remote TrainsShift to remote-controlled dams, trains raises unions' alarmRebecca RaineyBloomberg01/16/2025 NJ TransitNew NJ Transit head tells union he's ready to bargain as strike deadline loomsColleen WilsonNorthJersey.com01/22/2025