The BLET Store
The BLET has arranged for American Products, Inc. to supply USA made apparel and other merchandise. Each of the USA made BLET store items carries a 100% quality guarantee against defects in materials and workmanship. Volume discounts on customized orders are available to BLET Divisions.
Please call 800-272-5120 for more information or use the contact form located on their website.
Terms of Service
With the exception of watches and clocks, all products offered by American Products, Inc. are warranted against defects for 90 days from the date of receipt. Watches and clocks carry a two-year manufacturer’s warranty against defects. See warranty card included with watch for specific details.
Ordering Information
Orders will be processed within days of receipt, however in the unlikely event an item is back ordered, please allow 4 to 6 weeks for delivery. All prices shown are in U.S. dollars. When using credit cards, transactions will automatically be in U.S. funds. Please note your credit card statement will show a purchase from American Products, Inc. If you wish to mail a check please see the order form on the website. If you need assistance or have questions please call American Products, Inc. at 800-272-5120 and ask for BLET customer service.