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(Source: U.S. Department of Transportation press release, January 19, 2017)

WASHINGTON, D.C. — On January 19, Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx sent the following message to all USDOT employees:

Today marks my last day of service as Secretary of the Department of Transportation. This is a Department steeped in a rich history of excellence and deep commitment to improving the overall quality of life for the American people. It has been one of the privileges of my life to work with so many talented, dedicated, and passionate public servants. I want to thank each and every one of you for your continued dedication, hard work, and support during my time leading this great Department.

During this incredible journey we’ve been able to accomplish so much. It’s been through our shared efforts that we have been able to not just keep the standards of safety held high, but also push forth some of the most bold, innovative, and game-changing ideas for the transportation industry and for our country as a whole.

We were able to get the first long-term transportation bill in more than a decade. We made great strides toward embracing technology by advancing the utilization of autonomous vehicles, capitalizing on vehicle to vehicle communication, integrating Unmanned Aircraft Systems into our national airspace system, and more. We pursued a future vision for transportation with Beyond Traffic and challenged cities across the country to embrace technology and engage their communities in decision-making. We have put forth rules and standards that will protect our environment for future generations to come. And most importantly, every day we are working to make transportation accessible for all.

As many of you know, since my first day as Secretary I have made it a leading priority to ensure that we are using transportation in ways that connects historically undeserved communities and people with opportunities, jobs, education, and more. I’m honored by the zeal this approach has fully taken hold in all of the Department’s modes and is incorporated into many of our approaches and planning. Our transportation system has the power to transform the lives of millions of Americans simply by making it readily available, safe, and reliable. Now I leave this charge in your capable hands to continue to carry forward.

The future is bright for everyone here at USDOT. I want to thank you, again, for your unwavering support and efforts during my time here. Without you our accomplishments would not have been so frequent and our successes so many. I will miss the opportunity to work with this group of professionals who are of such high caliber, but I am confident that there are great things ahead for everyone at the Department.

With sincere admiration,
Anthony R. Foxx