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(Source: Teamster Nation, March 6, 2013)

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, lawmakers in the Missouri House of Representatives are scheduled to debate a bill that would make it illegal for employers to honor an employee’s request to deduct union dues from their paychecks.

This is a blatant attack on unions by politicians who answer only to plutocrats like the odious Humphreys family. HB64 was written by ALEC, the dating service for state lawmakers and corporations funded by the Koch brothers.

Missourians, your calls and emails already made a big difference. Last week this “paycheck deception” bill stalled in the Senate after you sent hundreds of emails asking your senators to vote against it.

Today, you can help stop it again by calling your representatives and urging them to vote no on HB64. Call 888-907-9711, and hit #1 to be connected to your representative.

Tell them it’s time to solve the problems of the middle class, not to give away even more power to greedy billionaires and CEOs.

Full story: Teamster Nation