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(Source: Teamster Nation, June 11, 2013)

WASHINGTON, D.C. — You can draw a straight line from the Wisconsin uprising of 2011 through the No Rights At Work fight in Michigan to the Moral Monday protests now raging in North Carolina. You can throw in the SB 5 fight in Ohio, the Prop. 32 battle in California, and skirmishes over voter suppression, privatization, regressive taxation and corporate empowerment in the 23 Republican-controlled legislatures in the country.

What you have is a national reaction to a single well-funded campaign to let billionaires take even more money from poor, middle- and working-class Americans.

The massive protests, the arrests, the Statehouse turmoil, the costly campaigns — they’re all convulsions over the same thing: ALEC’s attempt to dismantle America’s public institutions and turn our government over to corporations.

And yet the political press treats each skirmish as an isolated outbreak. How badly the press gets it wrong would be hilarious if it weren’t so dangerous. A typical mistake is to describe the attempted corporate takeover of government as some sort of disagreement between “liberals” and “conservatives.”

Full story: Teamster Nation