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Days before widespread failures at Amtrak this summer, it was revealed that top executives received millions in bonuses in 2023. Photo courtesy of Cory Rusch, BLET Division 659

It’s been a rough summer for Amtrak. Major electrical problems in the first part of July led to widespread service failures throughout its system, particularly in the Northeast Corridor.

Amtrak has blamed power outages, lightning strikes, malfunctioning circuit breakers, and catenary issues for the cancelled trains. The outages impacted other carriers as well, causing a ripple effect of delays at neighboring commuter lines.

BLET’s Amtrak General Chairman Pat Darcy criticized Amtrak management for its misplaced priorities. Days before the widespread failures, Amtrak’s controversial management bonus program came to light, revealing that top executives raked in over $9 million in bonuses in 2023.

“Many BLET members, including engineers from NJT and LIRR, were affected by the Amtrak problems,” Darcy said. “Unfortunately, these ongoing catenary and substation issues are nothing new to the members who operate the trains in this area, or to our passengers. Anyone who has operated or been a passenger on a train this summer has felt the effects of these system failures and is tired of the same song and dance from the Carriers; it is way past any reasonable time to correct this problem. Instead of padding the pockets of executives through bonuses, Amtrak should put systems in place to make sure this doesn’t continue to occur.”