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(Source: International Brotherhood of Teamsters press release, September 12, 2014)

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — Teamsters celebrated as California Gov. Jerry Brown signed AB2053, a Local 2010-sponsored bill addressing workplace abuse, into law on this week, following months of Local 2010 members testifying and meeting with legislators.

“It’s a proud day for our Union, because our members made this happen,” said Teamsters Local 2010 Secretary-Treasurer Jason Rabinowitz. “Our Local 2010 Political Committee developed the idea for the bill; our Teamster Political Action Committee got it introduced; our members testified and lobbied the legislature to support it; and hundreds of us signed the petition urging the governor to sign the bill.”

The new legislation is the first of its kind to take on workplace abuse by defining abusive conduct and requiring large employers to train their supervisors in identifying and preventing abusive behavior in the workplace.

Abusive conduct has been a growing epidemic throughout the United States, with 27 percent of all working Americans having suffered from abuse at work and an additional 21 percent having witnessed this behavior in the workplace.

About Teamster Local 2010

Teamsters Local 2010 represents over 13,000 clerical and allied service workers throughout the University of California as well as the Laurence National Berkeley National Lab. These members work on campuses and in medical centers across California with positions ranging in everything from academic offices to medical billing and even dispatchers. Local 2010 is affiliated with both Teamsters Joint Council 7 and 42. It is the largest Teamsters Local in California.