FRA Certification Helpline: (216) 694-0240

(The following appeared at on March 29, 2010.)

CHICAGO — Chicago is beefing up security along public transit routes following the subway bombings in Moscow earlier today.

In a statement, the city said there are no known threats against the city in connection with the terror attacks, which killed at least 38 people. City officials have spoken with federal law enforcement and Metra and Amtrak officials about the bombings.

As a precaution, the city will be adding more uniformed officers in the transit system during rush hour.

“We want to remind residents that vigilance and awareness of their surroundings is an important part of our safety efforts, and we encourage them to report any unusual or suspicious activity to 9-1-1,” the city’s statement said.

Metra spokesman Mike Gillis said: “We continue to be in a state of heightened awareness and are taking appropriate actions to maintain the security of our passengers.”

Female suicide bombers blew themselves up Monday in twin attacks in Moscow. The carnage blamed on rebels from the Caucasus region follows the killings of several high-profile Islamic militant leaders there.