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(Source: CN press release, December 19, 2019)

MONTREAL — CN announced today that less than a month after the end of the 8-day labor action, performance indicators have normalized to pre-strike ranges indicating that train movements have recovered.

The 8-day work disruption caused CN’s network to run at approximately 10% capacity. Every strike day can cause several days of backlog, requiring time for the network to be fully current once it has returned to normal operational ranges.

“I’m pleased to announce that our focused and methodical recovery plan is working and that the performance of our movements has recovered to normal ranges,” said JJ Ruest, president and chief executive officer of CN. “We will remain focused on safety as we continue to clear the backlog caused by the work stoppage. Our ongoing engagement with our customers and stakeholders as well as the dedication of our employees combined with the favorable weather, has helped this process along in a safe and efficient manner. I would like to thank them all for their patience and understanding as we turn a page on the recovery process and return our focus on long-term profitable growth.”