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(The National Transportation Safety Board issued the following news release on June 8. BLET member E.M. “Mike” Rogers of Division 172 was killed in the following collision.)

WASHINGTON — The National Transportation Safety Board will hold a public Board meeting on June 13, 2006 at 9:30 a.m., in its Board Room and Conference Center, 429 L’Enfant Plaza, S.W., Washington, DC.

There is one item on the agenda: Railroad Accident Report – Collision Between two BNSF Railway Company Freight Trains near Gunter, Texas

On May 19, 2004, two BNSF Railway Company freight trains collided near Gunter, Texas. The southbound train (BNSF 6789), was traveling about 37 mph and the northbound train (BNSF 6351) was traveling about 40 mph when the collision occurred. The collision resulted in the derailment of 5 locomotives and 28 cars. The southbound train engineer was killed, and the southbound train
conductor sustained serious injuries. The crewmembers on the northbound train also sustained injuries.

Directions to the Board Room: Front Door located on Lower 10th Street, directly below L’Enfant Plaza. From Metro, exit L’Enfant Plaza Station at 9th and D streets escalator, walk through shopping mall, at CVS store take escalator down one level. Board Room will be to your left.

The public may also view the Board meeting via a live or archived webcast by accessing a link under “News & Events” on the NTSB home page at