FRA Certification Helpline: (216) 694-0240

(The Associated Press circulated the following article on October 3.)

SHERMAN, Miss. — A train derailed here Tuesday, spilling tons of coal into the downtown area of this tiny north Mississippi town, officials said.

Officials feared it could take days to clean up the 30-car train derailment that shut down traffic in the town of about 540 people on the Lee, Pontotoc and Union county lines.

The derailment occurred late Tuesday morning and spilled coal all directions, said observers at the scene. Emergency personnel were redirecting traffic and fire department crews were standing by in case they were needed.

The accident caused special concern for a nearby 30,000-gallon tank of liquefied natural gas, officials said. No injuries were reported.

The Burlington-Northern Railroad, which was shipping the coal, would not speculate on the accident’s cause.