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(Source: Editorial by the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, March 13, 2013)

ST. LOUIS, Mo. — But because union-bashing has become a big-money deal on the national scene (thanks to Wisconsin and Michigan), the lemmings in the Missouri Senate don’t want to be left behind. They’re doing the bidding of their corporate overlords in the American Legislative Exchange Council, which promotes cookie-cutter legislation written by corporate lawyers to enhance their bottom lines.

So, for those of you keeping score at home, this is what the Senate did (so far) in one of the key legislative weeks, the last before spring break, sending a signal to all where its priorities lie:

• It raised taxes on poor people.
• It cut taxes for rich people.
• It hurt teachers, nurses and other public employees.

And the week is not yet over.

Senate Republicans should have more pride than this. If they want to blame working people for the state’s economic problems, while banks and corporations sit on record profits, good luck with that argument. But have the courage to tell the truth.

(Full story: St. Louis Post-Dispatch