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CLEVELAND, May 5 — BLET’s Education & Training department joined with New Jersey Transit (NJT) to provide training to BLET members and NJ Transit managers alike at a workshop on March 31.

Seven rank and file BLET members along with seven NJT supervisory employees completed the training. The BLET members and NJ Transit managers are all members of various collaborative workplace committees, such as safety committees.

“BLET Labor Management Committee Representative Training gave our members basic skills to better represent membership issues directly with the carrier,” said NJ Transit General Chairman Rich Darcy said.

After expressing the desire to create such a unique workshop, Brother Darcy conferred with BLET National Secretary-Treasurer Bill Walpert to make it happen. NST Walpert is Director of the BLET Education & Training Department.

Ken Kroeger, BLET Education & Training Coordinator, designed and presented the program as Instructor, and was assisted by General Chairman Darcy and Vice President Marcus Ruef. NJ Transit fully supported the workshop, making sure that all 14 class participants were available for the training. The NJ Transit made sure the participants had the day off from their regular assignments (with pay).

The class helped the students understand how to make the most productive use of meeting time by organizing focused agendas, understanding rules of order, keeping things on track, and encouraging two-way communication. The class participated in exercises involving effective listening and brainstorming that were designed to facilitate improved communication and exchange of ideas. Most of the participants offered positive feedback about the class and felt that it would help them to improve the functioning of their various committees.

VP Marcus Ruef commended both GC Darcy, who initially requested the training, and NJ Transit Superintendent of Operations Kevin O’Connor, who sponsored the attendance of the participants, for working together to improve labor management relations.

“This type of bilateral exercise, in addition to the historic C3RS Agreement, are positive examples of labor and management working together at NJT to create a more functional workplace,” Ruef said. “Hopefully, others in the industry will follow their lead.”

General Chairman Darcy was enthusiastic about the program’s successful outcome.

“It created a pool of confident, proactive local rank and file committee men and women who will grow someday to lead the BLET on property and beyond,” Darcy said.