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(The National Mediation Board issued the following news release on April 13.)

WASHINGTON — President George W. Bush established Emergency Board 237 to investigate a collective bargaining dispute between the Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority (SEPTA) and its conductors represented by the United Transportation Union (UTU). The President appointed Richard R. Kasher, Esq. of Villanova, Pennsylvania as Chairman, and David P. Twomey, Esq. of Quincy, Massachusetts and Robert E. Peterson of Briarcliff Manor, New York as Members. All three are neutral labor arbitrators and members of the National Academy of Arbitrators. The National Academy of Arbitrators is a professional association which fosters high standards of integrity and competence and includes as members the premier labor neutrals in the country.

Mr. Kasher has served as the Chairmen of ten prior Emergency Boards and was the first General Counsel to the National Mediation Board from 1971-1975. Mr. Kasher serves as the permanent arbitrator for more than twenty employers and unions and hears approximately 100 arbitration cases annually, involving both private and public sector labor relations matters. Mr. Kasher received a law degree from Boston University and a Masters of Laws in Labor Law from New York University.

Mr. Twomey has served on seven prior Emergency Boards involving disputes in the railroad and airline industries and has extensive experience as a labor arbitrator for numerous employers and unions. Mr. Twomey received a law degree from Boston College and a Masters in Business Administration from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst.

Mr. Peterson has served on six prior Emergency Boards and has broad experience in labor and personnel relations. As a full-time arbitrator since 1982, Mr. Peterson has served on numerous permanent arbitration boards and has decided numerous contract and disciplinary grievances. Mr. Peterson is an Adjunct Professor at SUNY-Stony Brook and received degrees in Business Management and Personnel Management & Industrial Relations from Westchester Community College and New York University, respectively.

Pursuant to the Railway Labor Act, the Emergency Board will conduct hearings and make a recommendation for settlement within 30 days of the President’s creation of the Board. No work stoppages are permissible for the 120 days following the date of the creation of the Emergency Board.