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LONDON — Passengers on a packed London train say a man who couldn’t get on a crowded train rode on the outside “like Indiana Jones,” according to a report at

They said he couldn’t squeeze on board, so rode on a footplate at the back of the train for 20 minutes.

His journey carried him seven miles and reached speeds of 60mph until he finally got off at Finsbury Park in the north of the city.

A spokesman for West Anglia Great Northern (WAGN) said: “Such acts are incredibly dangerous and anyone caught trying this sort of thing will be detained while British Transport Police are contacted.”

The incident was reminiscent of the actions of all-adventure big screen hero Indian Jones, played by Harrison Ford.

According to witnesses, the man attempted to get on a packed London-bound train on Monday morning at Oakleigh Park station in north London.

Having failed to get into the guard’s van at the back of the train he jumped on to the back of the train which then went through two tunnels and four stations.

It was thought the man got off at Finsbury Park in north London.

He was described as being in his forties with long hair.

Despite the witness accounts, WAGN said today that its investigation into the affair had not unearthed any reports from its station or train staff of “anyone riding on the outside of a train”.