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Brothers and Sisters,

I am writing to personally invite you and your family to attend this year’s Western Regional Meeting in Kansas City, Missouri. The meeting will take place the week of June 3 at the Marriott, Kansas City Downtown.

Our Education and Training Department has undergone significant changes, making it an opportune time to participate in a workshop for Local Chairmen, Secretary-Treasurers, or Legislative Representatives. These workshops equip you with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in your roles. This year’s Western Regional Meeting will feature an impressive list of guest speakers at our open meeting and a member update at our closed meeting. You’ll meet your Advisory Board and many General Chairmen. The BLET Auxiliary is also a big part of our regional meetings, giving your families access to information on how they support the BLET. Please consider showing your support by contributing to the Auxiliary’s fundraising efforts. You can find information for the upcoming meeting on the BLET website. Register on the website to receive News Flashes, the weekly recap, and photo galleries. You can also register for our updated golf event in Kansas City.

I look forward to seeing you in KC.



Registration and information for Kansas City Regional Meeting