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(Source: International Brotherhood of Teamsters press release, December 11, 2012)

LANSING, Mich. — Teamsters General President Jim Hoffa denounced Gov. Rick Snyder’s attack on Michigan’s middle class during a Day of Action this morning outside the Michigan State Capitol. Thousands gathered to protest a right-to-work bill expected to pass today.

Snyder, who stated his opposition to right-to-work-for-less legislation in the past, suddenly changed his position and may sign the bill into law as early as today.

“After deceiving Michigan voters for two years about his position on right-to-work-for-less legislation, Rick Snyder and his pals in the Legislature declared civil war on Michigan’s middle class,” Hoffa told the crowd. “This bill will tear Michigan apart — you need to end this war on workers!”

Hoffa said radical billionaires such as Amway heir Dick DeVos and the Koch brothers pressured Snyder and extremist Republican lawmakers to support a policy that will lower wages for all workers in Michigan.

“We know there is a war that has been bought and paid for by billionaires like Dick DeVos, the Koch brothers and Grover Norquist,” Hoffa said. “We saw what they’ve tried to do in Madison and Columbus, so it was only a matter of time before they made it to Lansing.”

“Let me tell the governor and all those elected officials who vote for this shameful, divisive bill – there will be repercussions,” Hoffa said. “Some day soon, they will face the voters of Michigan and they will have to explain why they sided with the billionaires to back this destructive legislation.”

Founded in 1903, the International Brotherhood of Teamsters represents 1.4 million hardworking men and women throughout the United States, Canada and Puerto Rico. Visit for more information. Follow us on Twitter @Teamsters and on Facebook at