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(Source: International Brotherhood of Teamsters press release, June 23, 2015)

WASHINGTON, D.C. — The following is the official statement of Teamsters General President Jim Hoffa in response to the Senate’s decision to invoke cloture and cut off debate on the fast track trade bill currently being considered by the chamber.

“The process surrounding fast track has been convoluted and confusing. And today, too many senators decided to trust big business and the House instead of standing up for American workers.

“The last time the Senate considered fast track legislation, it approved a version that at least included Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) that would provide support for the thousands of U.S. workers likely to lose jobs because of trade deals like the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). But this time, there is no such provision and there is certainly no guarantee that House Speaker John Boehner will take up TAA again.

“History shows it makes no sense to give a quick up-or-down vote to bad trade deals like the TPP that will only ship jobs overseas and lower wages in the U.S. But that is exactly what the Senate has done. Yet again, workers have been tossed aside by some lawmakers who are more interested in pleasing their corporate cronies than doing what’s best for their constituents.”

Founded in 1903, the International Brotherhood of Teamsters represents 1.4 million hardworking men and women throughout the United States, Canada and Puerto Rico. Visit for more information. Follow us on Twitter @Teamsters and “like” us on Facebook at