FRA Certification Helpline: (216) 694-0240

CLEVELAND, January 5 — Honorary Member Betty Child, a loyal and long time Office Administrator of the National Legislative Office of the BLET, passed away today. Sister Betty was 60 years old and leaves her husband, Jerry, three children, and literally thousands of friends in the union movement and Washington, D.C.

Betty can always be remembered for pulling out the stops to help anyone calling the Brotherhood’s Washington Office. She loved a challenge and prided herself in assisting those most in need, especially people trying to understand their medical benefits or benefits under Railroad Retirement. After success with a particularly difficult request, she could be heard to say, “there is another satisfied customer,” and “we are a full service office.” Betty was remarkable at finding information in the Washington maze and knowing the legislative history of railroad labor issues. Her 34 years of experience as an assistant to Vice Presidents Ed McCulloch, Paul Kerrigan, Don Lindsey, Leroy Jones, Raymond Holmes, and as Secretary to the Rail Labor Executive’s Association (RLEA) gave her contacts and skills to cut through the red tape and get results quickly.

Betty loved her work and loved the Brotherhood. Much will be said about her dedication. Few were able to witness it personally, but those who did recognized a work ethic unequalled and a professionalism driven by both competence and duty.

Betty, you may take pride in knowing that you did provide a full service office and you took good care of your customers. You will be missed by many and thought of with the greatest respect as you take your place among the many who have passed this way to eternal life.

Funeral arrangements are pending and will be announced when available.