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(The following appeared on the Progressive Railroading website on January 28, 2009.)

On Monday, House members introduced the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (H.R. 1), an $825 billion economic stimulus package that includes billions of dollars for public transportation and intercity passenger-rail projects that could be launched within 180 days of the legislation’s approval.

The bill proposes $6 billion for transit capital assistance grants, $2 billion for fixed guideway infrastructure investment and $1 billion for New Starts. H.R. 1 also would provide $1.1 billion for intercity passenger rail, including $800 million for Amtrak and $300 million for states.

The House is expected to vote on the legislation today.

Meanwhile, the Senate version of the stimulus bill includes $8.4 billion for transit formula spending and $5.5 billion for competitive surface transportation grants that could be allocated to states or local governments for public transit, new starts, passenger or freight rail, port infrastructure or highway projects, according to the National Railroad Construction & Maintenance Association. The Senate’s version also proposes $850 million for Amtrak, $250 million for intercity passenger-rail grants to states and $2 billion for high-speed rail corridors.