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(Source: American Journal of Transportation, April 11, 2018)

WASHINGTON, D.C. — The House overwhelmingly passed two bipartisan railroad data and information security bills: H.R. 4921, the “STB Information and Security Act,” and H.R. 4925, the “FRA Safety Data Improvement Act.” H.R. 4921, the “STB Information and Security Act,” is sponsored by U.S. Rep. Paul Mitchell (R-MI). This bipartisan legislation would direct the Surface Transportation Board (STB) to implement an improvement plan for its information security system, as recommended by the Department of Transportation Office of the Inspector General (DOT IG). The bill is intended to provide effective, long-term improvements to the STB’s information security program. H.R. 4925, the FRA Safety Data Improvement Act,” is sponsored by U.S. Rep. Josh Gottheimer (D-NJ). This legislation would ensure greater accuracy and quality of safety data collected and reported by the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA). The bill instructs FRA to develop a plan and timeline to implement the recommendations of the DOT IG to improve the management and collection of railroad safety data.

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