FRA Certification Helpline: (216) 694-0240

NEW MILLS, N.B. — The investigation into the cause of a Via Rail train derailment in northern New Brunswick is continuing, a wire service reports.

“We don’t have an official cause of the accident yet. We are anticipating that we’re going to get that tomorrow,” said Via spokesperson Catherine Kaloutsky on March 17.

None of the 215 passengers and crew on board the 17-car train were injured when the last seven cars jumped the tracks Saturday near New Mills, located about 40 kilometres east of Campbellton.

A VIA employee said two wheels on one of the train’s sleeping cabins fell off the track, which is privately owned by a short line operator.

All the cars on the Montreal to Halifax train remained upright but roughly 38-metres of track were torn up.

One pregnant woman, who was uninjured, was taken to hospital at her own request but was later released, Kaloutsky said.

The rest of the passengers were placed in the train’s remaining cars and continued on to Halifax, where they arrived two hours late.

The derailment didn’t cause problems for other Via trains travelling on the route.

A train leaving Halifax bound for Montreal was able to travel on another track through the area on Saturday, she said.

The seven cars were cleared from the tracks late Saturday. The Transportation Safety Board was investigating the incident.