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(The National Transportation Safety Board issued the following news release on January 3.)

WASHINGTON — Kathryn O’Leary Higgins was sworn in today as a Member of the National Transportation Safety Board.

Before joining the Board, Member Higgins was President and CEO of the TATC Consulting firm. Prior to that, she was Vice President for Public Policy at the National Trust for Historic Preservation (May 1999 – January 2004).

Member Higgins was Deputy Secretary of the U.S. Department of Labor from July 1997 to May 1999. During this period Ms. Higgins also served as Acting Chair of the National Endowment for the Arts. She additionally was Vice Chair of the Presidential Commission on U.S. Coast Guard Roles and Missions from January to May 1999.

Member Higgins served in the White House from February 1995 to July 1997 as Assistant to the President and Secretary to the Cabinet. From January 1993 to February 1995, Member Higgins was Chief of Staff to the Secretary of Labor.

Member Higgins also has held a number of professional positions on Capitol Hill, serving as Administrative Assistant/Chief of Staff for Congressman Sander Levin of
Michigan (January 1986 – January 1993) and Senior Legislative Associate and Minority Staff Director (January 1981 – January 1986) with the Labor and Human Resources
Committee of the U.S. Senate.

Member Higgins was with the White House Domestic Policy Council, serving as Assistant Director for Employment Policy from May 1978 to January 1981. She began her government career in 1969 as a Manpower Specialist with the Employment and Training Administration of the U.S. Department of Labor.

Member Higgins came to Washington from Yankton, South Dakota where her mother, Mary O’Leary, still resides. She earned a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Nebraska, Teacher’s College. Ms. Higgins was married to the late William J. Higgins and is the mother of two sons, Liam and Kevan.

Member Higgins’ term expires on December 31, 2009.