FRA Certification Helpline: (216) 694-0240

(The following appeared on the Progressive Railroading website on January 20, 2009.)

Yesterday, The Kansas City Southern Railway Co. (KCSR) began a tri-weekly service from Laredo to Houston, Texas, in conjunction with the Port Terminal Railroad Association.

The new offering increases service frequency from once to three times a week and reduces transit time from 4.5 to 1.4 days. A number of shippers already have committed to using the service, KCSR said.

Meanwhile, KCSR parent Kansas City Southern at 2008’s end filed an application with the U.S. Department of State to obtain a permit to build a new international rail bridge across the Rio Grande River south of Laredo. The bridge will provide connections to rail yards in both the United States and Mexico.

Sometime early this year, KCS plans to file a similar application with Mexican officials.