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(Source: Kansas City Southern press release, February 13, 2015)

KANSAS CITY, Mo. — In the U.S. and Mexico, fuel is one of KCS’ highest expenses. For some time, there has been a concerted effort to improve fuel efficiency when a train is stopped by shutting locomotive engines down when they are going to idle for more than 30 minutes and using Auto Engine Start Stop technology, which senses engine conditions and shuts them down.

In the year ahead, the Network Services, Transportation and Mechanical teams are working toward acquiring an energy management technology solution that addresses fuel efficiency when the train is moving. One pilot will begin in May. A second energy management technology solution will also be evaluated.

Train size, track conditions and locomotive handling can all have an effect on fuel efficiency. Onboard energy management technology helps to automatically optimize for these conditions, controlling throttle and dynamic brakes to reduce fuel burn, while still ensuring safe train handling. It cuts emissions to reduce the company’s carbon footprint and save on the cost of fuel.
In addition to the procurement of new technology, the team is working to acquire better baseline data to measure fuel efficiency; educate employees on how their actions affect fuel efficiency, and to manage a focused program on excessive idle management.