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LONDON — After a strike on the London Tube that paralyzed the city, labor union leaders warned Thursday they will do it again next week unless their demands for more pay for subway drivers are met, according to the Associated Press.

The London subway system was returning to normal Thursday after the 24-hour strike, which forced millions of commuters to walk to work or wait for hours for overcrowded buses. Traffic congestion brought many roads to a standstill.

Business leaders estimated the strike cost the economy some $93 million, and warned such strikes badly tarnished the city’s reputation as an international business center.

Unless the pay dispute is resolved, subway unions plan to repeat the 24-hour strike next week.

Rail Maritime and Transport union (RMT) general secretary Bob Crow demanded London Underground agree to independent, binding mediation.

“LU has no excuse not to come to mediation with us. We hope they will now see sense, but if they do not, then next week’s strike will go ahead,” he said.

London Underground spokesman Howard Collins said workers willing to work were put under “enormous pressure” by union pickets.

The government condemned the strike.

Government transport minister Alistair Darling said, “This strike is completely unnecessary and damaging. It is causing inconvenience to hundreds of thousands of passengers and businesses.”