FRA Certification Helpline: (216) 694-0240

(UK’s Bracknell News circulated the following story by James Ferguson on July 17.)

LONDON — A man who was so drunk that he slept peacefully between railway tracks while a train hurtled over him at 90 miles an hour could face prosecution by police.

The man, who is believed to be in his twenties and from Crowthorne, amazingly got up and walked away unscathed after the incident between Crowthorne and Wokingham at about 4.45am last Tuesday (July 8).

PC Bob Burrowes, of British Transport Police in Reading, said: “In my experience, this is unprecedented.

“I have never heard of a train passing over a person and them walking away unscathed.

“This man was incredibly fortunate to walk away with his life. The consequences of taking this shortcut could have been tragic.”

The driver of the 4.34am Thames Trains Turbo Reading to Gatwick service feared the worst when he saw a body on the line so he hit the emergency brake and walked back with the guard.

They found the man lying between the running rails but, after a gentle prod, he got up, answered a few brief questions and stumbled off on his way.

The train had passed over him as he slept and he was so drunk he didn’t even notice.

PC Burrowes said: “In some respects, the fact that he was so intoxicated saved him because he didn’t wake up.

“If he had woken he would have lost his head.

“Railway lines really are not a place you should be when you are intoxicated.”

The police have the man’s name and it is believed that they will be seeking a prosecution.

PC Burrowes said: “An officer’s worst nightmare is to get a call saying that someone has been hit by a train.

“Trespass is a very serious offence and we will take action against those who commit it.”