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(The following appeared on the Maritime Professional website on March 13, 2011.)

Colombia’s proposed junior partnership with China for a railway line to compete with the Panama Canal has caused reactions ranging all the way from A to B. Analysts have yawned or dismissed the notion as unworkable.

Colombia president Juan Santos calls the project “quite advanced”, but the transport minister says it is no more than an idea – a sentiment echoed by other government officials.

The main practical problem is hacking through the 55 miles of the Darien Gap, the jungle separating Colombia from Panama – and the reason that the Pan American Highway has still to be completed.

In short, it’s out of the question. To put through a proper railroad (which would need to be double tracked to be efficient), double the $8 billion being bandied about by China is needed. Officially, it’s a joint venture but China will be shoving in at least 80 percent of the money.

The full story is on the Maritime Professional website.