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(Source: National Transportation Safety Board press release, July 5, 2016)

WASHINGTON, D.C. — The National Transportation Safety Board will launch its second Twitter account, @NTSB_Newsroom, the morning of July 11, 2016.

@NTSB_Newsroom will be used in in conjunction with the existing @NTSB verified channel, but @NTSB_Newsroom will feature only hard news content geared toward media.

The NTSB media relations division created @NTSB_Newsroom in response to feedback from journalists who noted some challenges in quickly identifying the newsworthy items in the agency’s @NTSB stream.

“The people affected by a transportation disaster, and the journalists covering these accidents, have an urgent need for official, timely and accurate information,” said Chris O’Neil, the NTSB’s chief of media relations. “We believe @NTSB_Newsroom will meet this need and facilitates the timely delivery of information about the NTSB’s activities in a stream that is more easily scanned for specific information.”

News releases, media advisories, information about active investigations and Go Team launches, opening of dockets, release of preliminary reports, issuance of safety alerts, board hearings and meetings, and the publication of special investigative products are among the types of information @NTSB_Newsroom will feature. In addition to the agency’s two Twitter accounts and its blog NTSB Safety Compass, the NTSB also uses Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and Flickr to connect people with information and imagery about the agency’s activities.