FRA Certification Helpline: (216) 694-0240

(Source: National Transportation Safety Board press release, April 8, 2014)

WASHINGTON, D.C. — The National Transportation Safety Board has developed a webinar for current and potential participants in rail transit investigations.

The objective of the three-hour webinar, “Rail Transit Party Process Training,” which will be held on April 30, is to provide information to help participants in NTSB investigations better understand the procedures and the processes involved so they can work more effectively with the NTSB.

It will include a discussion of party members’ roles and responsibilities, interactions with NTSB, and media relations. Participants will have the opportunity to ask presenters questions via telephone and email.

The NTSB investigates about 1,500 accidents and incidents a year in all modes of transportation – aviation, rail, highway, marine and pipeline. With only about 400 employees nationwide, the NTSB leverages its resources by obtaining technical, operational and sometimes propriety information from organizations that it designates as “parties” to an investigation. This webinar was designed specifically for those party members.

Additional webinars are currently in development for the other transportation modes. Announcements will be made when delivery dates are set for each of those programs.

Registration for the webinar is $25, and is open to those currently involved in the rail transportation industry. Additional information about the program, including registration details, is available at