FRA Certification Helpline: (216) 694-0240

(Source: National Transportation Safety Board press release, October 3, 2014)

WASHINGTON, D.C. — The National Transportation Safety Board today opened the accident dockets on two on-going Metro-North Railroad accident investigations and placed the dockets on its public website.

The accident dockets opened today are for the July 18, 2013 CSX freight train derailment on Metro-north tracks in the Bronx, N.Y., where 11 of the 24 cars derailed and the March 10, 2014 accident in Manhattan, N.Y., where a Metro-North roadway worker was struck by a train. During the March 10 accident, three roadway workers were attempting to reenergize tracks that had been out of service for maintenance. Two of the workers cleared the approaching train, but the third worker was struck and killed.

In addition, 46 factual documents have been added to the docket on the December 1, 2013 Metro-North passenger train derailment in the Bronx, NY.

The dockets contain factual reports, interview transcripts, diagrams and other documents from the investigations but do not provide any analysis. The determination of cause will occur at a later date. All of these materials can be found on the following page of the NTSB’s website:

This is a document release only. The NTSB will not conduct interviews.