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(Source: National Transportation Safety Board press release, March 19, 2015)

WASHINGTON, D.C. — The National Transportation Board has released the final agenda, including the participants’ names, affiliations and biographies for its forum, Trains and Trespassing: Ending Tragic Encounters.

The event will be chaired by NTSB Member Robert L. Sumwalt March 24-25 in the NTSB Board Room and Conference Center in Washington (429 L’Enfant Plaza SW, Washington D.C.) On the morning of the forum’s second day, participants have been encouraged to attend a tour of Norfolk Southern’s Safety Train at Union Station before returning to the NTSB board room.

The forum will begin with testimony from those who have lost limbs and students to trains while trespassing on tracks. It will also explore the often overlooked effects of these train strikes on railroad employees.

Subsequent panels will include experts in the diversity of trespasser accidents; prevention strategies; challenges to these strategies; and future movement toward preventing these tragic encounters.

The agenda, biographies of panelists and NTSB forum staff, and more information about the forum can be found at

The forum is free and open to the public. Directions to the forum site are available at
The event will also be webcast live. An archive of the webcast will be available on the NTSB website after the event. A link to the webcast is available at

Those who wish to comment on the proceedings can do so via email at