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(The National Transportation Safety Board issued the following on July 14, 2010.)

WASHINGTON, D.C. — The National Transportation Safety Board will hold a Board meeting on Tuesday, July 27, 2010, at 9:30 a.m. in its Board Room and Conference Center, 429 L’Enfant Plaza, S.W., Washington, D.C. There is one item on the agenda.

On June 22, 2009, two Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) trains collided on the Red Line. The operator and eight passengers were fatally injured and dozens received injuries ranging from minor to serious.

A live and archived webcast of the proceedings will be available on the Board’s website at Technical support details are available under “Board Meetings.” To report any problems, please call 703-993-3100 and ask for Webcast Technical Support.

A summary of the Board’s final report, which will include findings, probable cause and safety recommendations, will appear on the website shortly after the conclusion of the meeting. The entire report will appear on the website several weeks later.

Verizon wireless cellular service is accessible in the Board Room and Conference Center.

Directions to the NTSB Board Room: Front door located on Lower 10th Street, directly below L’Enfant Plaza. From Metro, exit L’Enfant Plaza station at 9th and D Streets escalator, walk through shopping mall, at the CVS store (on the left), take escalator (on the right) down one level. The Board room will be to your left.

As part of its continuing investigation, the NTSB has added a number of new documents to the public accident docket that was opened last year. Analysis of the accident, along with conclusions and a determination of probable cause, will be presented at the board meeting.

This is an additional release of investigation-related documents; no interviews will be conducted. The docket is available on the Safety Board’s website at: