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(The National Transportation Safety Board issued the following on March 13.)

WASHINGTON, D.C. — The National Transportation Safety Board will hold a public Board meeting on Tuesday, March 18, 2008 at 9:30 a.m., in its Board Room and Conference Center, 429 L’Enfant Plaza, SW, Washington, DC.

The Board will consider a final report on the collision of a
Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority train and a track maintenance truck near Woburn, Massachusetts.

On Tuesday, January 9, 2007, passenger train 322, operated by the Massachusetts Bay Commuter Railroad, struck a track maintenance vehicle. The train engineer, operating the southbound train, had a clear signal indication as he exited a curve at 62 mph. When he saw the track maintenance vehicle, the engineer initiated emergency braking. The train speed had decreased to 44 mph when the collision occurred. Two of the six maintenance employees were killed and two seriously injured

Directions to the Board Room: Front door is located on Lower 10th Street, directly below L’Enfant Plaza. From Metro, exit L’Enfant Plaza station at 9th and D streets escalator, walk through shopping mall and at CVS store take the escalator down one level. The Board Room will be to the left.

A live and archived webcast of the proceedings will be available on the Board’s web site at Technical support details are available under “Board Meetings.” To report any problems, please call (703) 993- 3100 and ask for Webcast Technical Support.