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(Source: Teamster Nation, January 29, 2013)

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Funny how offshoring and safety just don’t seem to go together.

Boeing is finding that out with its new 787, the snakebit Dreamliner. Seventy percent of the airplane’s components were made outside of the United States.

The Dreamliner was certified for service four years late and as much as $18 billion over budget. The airplanes were grounded around the world this month because of concerns about safety.

What makes the outsourcing especially galling is that Boeing is a major defense contractor. The company received $19.4 billion from U.S. taxpayers in 2010. (According to the Project on Government Oversight, the company has also paid more than $1 billion in fines since 1995, for misdeeds such as transferring rocket data to China, discrimination, polluting groundwater, overbilling and fraud, to name a few.)

Full story: Teamster Nation