FRA Certification Helpline: (216) 694-0240

(The following appeared on the Progressive Railroading website on April 19, 2010.)

The Ohio Rail Development Commission (ORDC) recently gave the Ohio Central Railroad an official notice to proceed with tunnel and bridge repairs along the state-owned Panhandle Line.

The Genesee & Wyoming Inc.-owned short line received $6.9 million in federal stimulus funds for the project, which calls for repairing the Gould Tunnel and upgrading three bridges. Tunnel work includes a new tunnel lining, entrance repairs, and rail, ballast and tie replacement, while bridge work involves deck repairs.

Ohio Central also plans to replace and resurface track, replace ties and perform other work along the Panhandle Line — which it operates under a lease agreement with the ORDC — from the Gould Tunnel to Newark. The short line will seek bids for the entire project.