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(Source: Operation Lifesaver press release, November 17, 2021)

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Operation Lifesaver, Inc. (OLI), the national rail safety education nonprofit, has released a digital version of its 2020 Annual Report.

Every three hours a person or vehicle is hit by a train in the United States. OLI’s mission is to empower the public to make safe choices when driving or walking near tracks and trains.

OLI’s 2020 Annual Report details the organization’s impact throughout the year including information on assets, events, volunteers, grant projects, leadership and partners as well as the 2020 audited financial statement.

“The 2020 Annual Report illustrates how OLI staff and supporters successfully shifted our strategy in real time during a global pandemic, developing tools and resources to deliver our rail safety education and messaging in a new virtual environment,” said Operation Lifesaver Inc. Executive Director Rachel Maleh. “I am grateful for the dedicated efforts of the board, state programs, volunteers, partners and staff, which made 2020 a creative and successful year,” she stated.

The interactive 2020 Annual Report is designed for optimal viewing on laptops or desktops and allows users to view videos and other materials while scrolling through the online document. A downloadable PDF version of the interactive report will be available in the coming weeks at