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(Source: Huffington Post opinion column by Mike Jackson, February 26, 2013)

Gov. Snyder and the modern Republican Party in Michigan have betrayed the principles many of our union members who support true common-sense conservative ideals embrace. Snyder’s lies and deceptions make it worse. And since his double-cross on right to work, Snyder’s polling numbers have plunged, his approval down by 20-plus points, for good reason.

People see through Snyder and the Republicans and realize they will cheat to win. Snyder tries to sell his gas tax as a “user fee,” claiming it affects only people who use Michigan roads. Yet his right to work laws let people avoid paying the “user fee” of union dues while benefiting from the union process. That’s unfair and people know it.

Head-spinning hypocrisy like this is not doing the Republican brand any favors. And Michigan voters are realizing Snyder and his Republican colleagues are not done hoodwinking Michigan families.

Full story: Huffington Post