FRA Certification Helpline: (216) 694-0240

(The Associated Press circulated the following on November 17.)

COOS BAY, Ore. — The Federal Railroad Administration says the Central Oregon and Pacific Railroad was justified in closing its Coos Bay rail line this fall.

The inspection report was ordered by Oregon Congressman Peter DeFazio and supports a private consulting firm’s conclusions that three tunnels on the rail line in the Florence-Mapleton area are unsafe.

The railroad closed the line in September following a July report based on tunnel inspections in march.

But it was the 1-day’s notice of the that has led to a lawsuit by the Port of Coos Bay contending the railroad violated lease agreements for its use of the Coos Bay Rail Bridge and the North Spit rail for not giving 180 days’ advance notice.

DeFazio said the railroad and its parent company, RailAmerica, should give up ownership of the rail line. He opposes a company proposal for a public-private partnership to spend more than $23 million for repairs.