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SHREVEPORT, La. — Technology is causing controversy for a local railroad, according to Shreveport television station KSLA.

Kansas City Southern has begun installing a remote control system at its yard. On July 11, dozens of engineers protested the move, saying it could lead to serious problems.

As trains roll through Shreveport’s Kansas City Southern rail yard something may be missing. An engineer. The company switched to remote control in several of its yards including the one in Shreveport. Members of an engineers labor union says that could lead to trouble.

Michael O’ Brien, Brotherhood of Engineers: “Do we have to wait for one of these things to occur before we ask the what ifs.”

Rodney Stutes, Engineer: “How do you get regulations in place, you wait for something to happen. Are the citizens of Shreveport wanting to be the guneia pig? ”

KCS says the remote system has been used successfully in canada, and has been approved for use by the Railroad Transportation Administration. But union members say more needs to be done.

O’Brien: “We just feel KCS Is going into this too fast, too strong.”

Members of the union say they’re concerned that the people using the remote equipment haven’t been properly trained and that could lead to accidents.

Stutes: “The locomotive engineer, who is the most qualified person, if they’re going to use the technology use that person to operate the technology.”

They’re also concerned about what the remote system might do to the workforce.

Obrien: “The problem with jobs is that the engineer isn’t going to lose his job, but he may not be working in Shreveport where he’s lived the past 25 years.”

But O’Brien says the jobs issue is minor compared to safety. So far union members say they have met with the railroad, but were told that the company was moving forward. Now the union says it will watch and wait.

Several reported accidents have happened in other railyards that use remote control. The rail companies say it’s not a problem with the system.