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(Source: Teamster Nation, November 7, 2013)

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Two of Congress’s most reliably anti-worker senators have a simple message for American workers: Love whoever you want, just don’t love unions.

Kentucky Sens. Mitch McConnell and Rand Paul proposed to make an anti-discrimination bill more discriminatory by attaching a national right-to-work-for-less law to the legislation.

If enacted, the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) would outlaw workplace discrimination based on sexual orientation and identity. For McConnell and Paul, that’s a small price to pay in exchange for a national right-to-work-for-less law, which would effectively kill freedom in the workplace by crippling unions across the country.

Fortunately, the Senate passed the Employment Non-Discrimination Act Thursday afternoon without the McConnell-Paul attack on workers. But let’s take a moment to dissect exactly what they were trying to do.

Full story: Teamster Nation